Posts tagged rings
Blog 16: Ring Sizing

Rings are beautiful pieces of jewellery that some of us wear every day. Buying a ring for yourself or as a gift is straightforward when you are able to visit the jeweller in person. They can take your exact measurements and make a ring accordingly. Buying a ring online may seem a bit more tricky. Below I will try to explain the what to do when you are unsure about your ring size but would like to order a ring online.

Most of us do not know our ring sizes. To complicate things, ring sizes differ for each of our fingers and the size of each finger is also affected my our body chemistry, temperature and may vary throughout the day.

So, what can you do to find out your ring size?

If you are unsure about your ring size, send me an email and I can send you a ring sizer in the post. You could also pop in to your local jeweller and ask for a ring fitting. Wrapping a strip of paper or string around the finger will unfortunately not yield accurate enough readings.

How to measure the finger size using the ring sizer:

  • When you receive the ring sizer in the post, it is best to take several measurements of the same finger during different times of the day. The fingers tend to swell when warm and become smaller when cold.

  • Slide the ring sizer onto your selected finger and tighten or enlarge it until it fits comfortably over the knuckles of the finger.

  • A slight resistance should be felt to slide it over your knuckle. The reading should be taken at the widest point - i.e. when it just sits on the knuckle.

  • Repeat this several times until you are sure that you have found the correct measurement and read the letter as shown on the pack.

International Ring Sizes

Ring sizing systems are unfortunately not standardised and different countries have their own ways of measuring ring sizes which not always exactly translate. In the attached table I give approximates conversion sizes. I use the British system of ring sizes, which uses the letters from A-Z.

Average Ring Sizes

Some ring sizes are more popular than others. For women these are the sizes between K-N, with size M being the most frequently bought. For men, average sizes are R-U, with size T being the most popular one.

Ring sizing in Person

Throughout the year I take part in several craft and design fairs in different parts of the country. It is always lovely to meet customers in person and if you are near one of these events, why not come along for a free ring fitting? If you would like to be notified when my next live event is, just subscribe to my mailing list which can be found at the bottom of every page on my website.

Buying a Ring as a Surprise

When a ring is bought as a gift and you do not know their ring size, ask perhaps a friend or relative if they know it. You could also take another ring the person wears on that particular finger and take a measurement. We need the widest inner diameter of the ring (see image). Be as precise as possible in your measurement.

More Questions?

If you have any more questions, why not just send me an email? Please click the link below. I’m also happy to chat via zoom if that suits better.